Today’s pictures is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall or the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, located towards the middle of Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Vintage Picture from 1981 – Chairman Mao Memorial Hall or the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong
The building was built after Chairman Mao’s death in 1976. It was made of materials from all over [...]
The Forbidden City in China sits on Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This picture is of the Tiananmen gate and gives a good view of the square here. Behind it is the Meridian Gate which is the southern entrance of the Forbidden City. Until I was looking up this picture, I didn’t realize that the Forbidden City is on Tiananmen Square in Chin [...]
This photo of a group of American tourists greeting some Asian Children is hilarious to me on so many levels.
It’s funny how most of them don’t seem to really care at all. Either that or they’re going “hey look! White people!” No clue where this picture was taken. The slide is labeled “woh 10” with [...]
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